Category: Ramblings

  • Awe

    There’s a moment that happens sometimes. When I reach the end of a film, a story, a book. Sometimes it’s after a conversation or looking at a painting, but not often. Sometimes it’s at the end of a song. In this moment, there’s a feeling. I’m not happy, I’m not sad. I feel the weight […]

  • Emotional repression, stress, and smoking

    The story, the excuses I’m not an emotional person. I think most people who know me, if asked to describe me in one-word answers might call me dependable, reliable, sensible, and so on. (Occasionally “Good singer” would probably slip through). When other people break down, or their world goes to shit, mine tends to stay […]

  • Newspapers

    I didn’t realise until recently what sort of unspoken cultural language we have about newspapers in the UK. In the same way that someone from England might watch Fox news and mistake it for the same sort of (mostly) unbiased [comparatively] news coverage we get on terrestrial channels over here, someone from Virginia might link […]

  • What’s up with Ebooks?

    I realise that this next is the same level of question as the “Why do foods with LESS fat cost MORE to make”, but I don’t think the answer is the same. I was looking at Google ebooks and the book on there are generally the same price as paperbacks. Why? A hardback book costs, […]

  • New site

    New site!   I hate how it looks right now, and I hate that I had to go with a service to make my site, instead of having control of it myself, BUT this one is *way* more functional than the old one, even if it does look like ass.   All the media links […]

  • About me

    Johanna “CK” Montague is a part-time internet DJ, producer, sometimes writer, occasional singer, and all sorts of other cool bizarre stuff.   You can contact Jo at (I hate mailto links).   Links Fiverr Facebook Twitter Etsy     Help save the endangered “Jo” from being homeless or, worse, internetless:

  • Memories

    My first memory? Age 3: Woodchips. A park. The ground. Excitement. Safety. My mum tells me this is a trip to Edinburgh Zoo when I was about 3. I loved the woodchips, and was not bothered about the playpark things like the slide and the swings. More memories. Before I was 4: A double bed in a […]

  • Working on the site

    Just workin’ on the site tonight, trying to work out how I’m going to learn to integrate a blogging system into this nice site (rather than integrating the nice site into a blogging system), and thinking about RSS feeds. I’m not working out how to do these things, just thinking about how I’ll learn to […]

  • I have nothing to write here yet.

    You’ll probably see links to podcasts, and possibly blog posts here.